Fantastic information about Q at For The People.

Q drops at

What is Q?

Q is a United States military intelligence operation that works hand in hand with the President of the United States. Some could easily argue that Donald J. Trump was chosen years ago by the United States Armed Forces to assist them in this critical and historic operation.

Q is not one person, but a team of high-ranking individuals with “Q” level security clearance, running operations that have been planned for many years (the plan). Some of the objectives are:

A) A massive information dissemination program aimed at
1) expose the massive global corruption and conspiracy to the people.
2) Get people to do more research to help more in their “great awakening”.

B) Eliminate corruption, fraud and human rights violations around the world.

C) Return the Republic of the United States to the constitutional rule of law and also return “the People” throughout the world to their own government.

In short, Operation Q is the largest anti-crime and anti-treason/sedition event in world history.
It certainly seems that we as a country are legally living out the Declaration of Independence once again.

“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their lawful powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any form of government destroys these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government , establishing their foundations on such principles and organizing their powers in such a way as seems most likely to achieve their Security and Happiness”.

  • The declaration of independence

Due to the classified nature of much of the information/evidence Team Q has, they can’t just reveal it, however they can drop breadcrumbs that people, often 8chan “Anons”, can investigate and help us find out. everybody. uncover the truth.

Also, it should be understood that the enemies in this war are also monitoring Q. Therefore, some of the information that Q throws out is strategically misinformation/disinformation.

Think military game theory and Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” Sure, none of us want to filter and try to discern truth from falsehood, yet these warfare tactics don’t really do harm to “We the People” when they should be used, yet they are devastating to the enemy and a part necessary for the war. Military planning at its finest!

Joe M – The Plan to Save the World
Intel from Scott McKay and more information about Q
Q For Beginners
Interview with Juan O’ Savin about who holds the secret military codes for the nuclear weapons